Cortisol - Ifitbody


Is a hormone gland made by adrenaline and kidneys.  Breaks down the muscle and provides the body with glucose for energy.  Also relocates fat cells to the abdomen area When confronted by stress such as Increased heart rate during exercise or stressful times, lack of sleep, anxiety

Fight of flight mode is initiated. In the fight mode our body releases hormone called norepinephrine.  When our body is in flight mode the hormone epinephrine.  When you are in a stressful situation Longterm you will feel stress in the foetus which eventually cortisol is released.  If you feel challenged or stressed by an obstacle your body responds with an increase of release of fatty acids.  If you are feeling defeated or out of control the body increase fat formation, breaks down muscle tissue and depresses the immune system which leads to increase of fat deposits around the belly.  So stubborn fat around the abdomen area is contributed by the above factors so finding ways to reduce stress in your life.

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